Saddleback is a leader in online class offerings within the California community colleges. We have 87 online degrees, certificates and occupational skills awards. Our online classes are taught by dedicated professors who have experience and training in online education.

Online classes at Saddleback College are taught by the same dedicated professors who teach on campus. These professors are able to support their students with an array of high-quality services and content, such as online counseling, online tutoring, and cutting-edge technology. Our online student success rates are higher than most community colleges, and our students who take classes online often perform better than students in face-to-face classes. 

Earn an Associate Degree or Certificate through 100% Online Classes

Currently, Saddleback offers 87 fully online degrees and/or certificates. This means that all of the required courses needed for the degree can be completed online. We also offer several Certificates of Achievement in areas such as Entrepreneurship, General Business, Business Leadership, Business Communications, and Marketing. Students can search for online courses in the schedule as well as courses that have zero textbook costs (ZTC). Save time and money by using search features and looking for special icons in the schedule.