Students are eligible for a full refund of most fees, provided they have officially dropped or withdrawn from classes prior to the refund deadline, or their classes have been canceled by the college.

The refund deadline, and all other pertinent dates for each respective class, can be viewed within the class details found in the online Class Schedule.

To drop a class, go to your CVC Profile and sign in with your home college credentials.

Once you have signed in, you can drop the class by going to your profile Dashboard:

  • Select the Drop Class button next to the class you wish to drop. (This will open a Drop Notification screen with the drop deadlines.)
  • You must select the Drop Course button from the pop-up screen that appears.
  • Refresh your Dashboard and the course should appear in the Dropped Classes field at the bottom of your screen.

If you encounter any issues with dropping the class, email


View Refund Information and FAQs