The Career Resource Center offers a variety of workshops and events related to career exploration, career readiness, skills development, resume and cover letter writing, interviewing tips, job search, career fairs, employer networking opportunities, and more.

Check back frequently to see what's coming up! In addition to the opportunities below, we encourage students to check out events posted in Handshake, our campus-wide career management platform. Local and national employers across industries host free recruiting events throughout the year, many of which are virtual. View Handshake Events and use the single sign-on option to access your student account.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, call us at (949) 582-4575.


Writing a Resume That Shows Your Value

Oct-9-2024 _ Oct-9-2024 03:00PM - 04:00PM

Finding and Researching College Programs and Majors

Oct-14-2024 _ Oct-14-2024 11:30AM - 12:30PM

AI and Your Job Search

Oct-16-2024 _ Oct-16-2024 10:00AM - 11:00AM


CARD - Hiring Behavior Technicians On-Campus Recruiting Visit

Oct-29-2024 _ Oct-29-2024 10:00AM - 02:00PM

On Campus Recruitment

CARD - Hiring Behavior Technicians On-Campus Recruiting Visit

Oct-29-2024 _ Oct-29-2024 10:00AM - 02:00PM