California Residents

Enrollment Fee:

The enrollment fee is a state mandated fee.

$46 per unit

Health Fee:

Students enrolled in on-campus and/or online classes are required to pay the health fee.  Students enrolled in SC and IVC classes must pay health fees at both campuses. 

Emeritus Institute students are exempt from this fee when the class is scheduled online or off-campus. 

Fall / Spring


Instructional Material Fee:

Certain courses require a fee for materials provided during the course of the semester.

Amount specific to course (may vary)

To determine if an instructional material fee is required and the amount, refer to the courses in the Schedule of Classes.

Nonresidents of California

In addition to the fees paid by California residents (enrollment, health, and any applicable material fees as shown above), nonresidents also pay:

Capital Outlay Fee:

California nonresidents are required to pay the capital outlay fee.

Academic Year 2023-2024
$45 per unit

Academic Year 2024-2025
$70 per unit

Nonresident Tuition:

Students who are U.S. citizens but not California residents, and students who are not U.S. citizens, will be charged the nonresident tuition fee.

Academic Year 2023-2024
$365 per unit

Academic Year 2024-2025
$376 per unit

Other Fees

Application Fee:

International Students (Students with an F1 visa) are required to pay the application fee. 

Academic Year 2022-2023

Academic Year 2023-2024

Associated Student Body (ASB) Card:

ASB cardholders are eligible for various discounts (e.g., amusement parks, movie tickets, cafeteria purchases).

$17 per semester (optional)

Parking Permit Fee:

Parking permits are required only if parking a car or motorcycle on campus.

$5 daily

$40 semester ($25 summer)

$80 annual (purchased in fall only)

$20 semester motorcycle ($10 summer)

$40 annual motorcycle (purchased in fall only)

Return Check Fee:

Student accounts are assessed a processing fee if a check is returned to the college for non-payment regardless of the reason.

$20 processing fee

Student Representation Fee:

An optional fee collected at the time of registration for each enrolled student and established by CA Education Code: 76060.5

$2 per semester (optional)

  • $1 will go to the Associated Student Government (ASG) to fund advocacy efforts for student leaders and student representatives to state their positions and viewpoints on behalf of Saddleback College students before city, county, district, state, and federal government, as well as other public agencies.


  • $1 will be expended to establish and support the operations of a statewide community college student organization, recognized by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, with effective student representation and participation in state-level community college shared governance and with governmental affairs representatives to advocate before the Legislature and other state and local governmental entities.

2024-2025 Estimated Cost of Attendance

The estimated cost of attendance at Saddleback College includes an estimate for tuition and fees, books
and supplies as well as basic living expenses like food and housing, and personal and miscellaneous
expenses. Your actual expenses may be higher or lower than the amounts listed below.

ExpensesLiving With Parents (2 Semesters)Living Away from Parents (2 semesters)
Tuition & Fees$1,438$1,438
Books & Supplies$1,062$1,062
Living Expenses: Food & Housing$14,480 $25,916
Personal & Misc.$4,059 $4,968
Transportation$1,791 $1,962
Total Resident$22,830$35,346
Total Non-Resident$35,130$47,646
ExpensesLiving with ParentsLiving Away from Parents
Tuition & Fees$715 $715 
Books & Supplies$354$354
Living Expenses: Food & Housing$4,827$9,276
Personal & Misc.$1,353$1,656
Total Resident$7,846 $12,655
Total Non-Resident$13,996$18,805
ExpensesLiving With ParentsLiving Away from Parents
 Fall & SpringSummerFall & SpringSummer
Tuition & Fees$1,438 $715$1,438$715
Books & Supplies$1,062$354 $1,062$354 
Transportation$1,791 $597 $1,962 $654
Total Resident$4,291 $1,666 $4,462 $1,723
Total Non-Resident$16,591 $7,816 $16,762 $7,873
  • Enrollment Fee: $46 per unit
    • Based on 15-units for Fall, Spring and Summer
  • Health Fee $26 for Fall and Spring, $22 for Summer
  • Non-Resident Tuition (in addition to the $46 per unit enrollment fee): $446 per unit ($376 non-resident tuition fee + $70 capital outlay fee)
  • Estimated cost of attendance may be adjusted for documented circumstances such as dependent care expenses, purchase of a computer, and other special circumstances (except for students enrolled less than half-time)

Optional fees

  • ASG Sticker - $10
  • Student Representation Fee - $2.00 (per semester)
  • Parking Permit Fee
  • Instructional Material Fees - as listed in the Schedule of Classes