It is our primary goal to fully understand and support the needs of each child and family who enroll in our programs.
We recognize the importance of getting to know each family individually, forming partnerships with parents through daily communication, building mutual trust, involving families in the program and respecting cultural and family differences. It is our hope that by taking a partnership approach, together we can build a relationship of trust and understanding. This foundation will provide your child with a sense of community and a life long gift of wonderment.
To enhance the experience for each child our programs offer unique learning opportunities for your child. Activities associated with our programs include:
The purpose of block play is to assist the child in developing problem solving skills, give the child a sense of power over what he has constructed with imaginative and creative play.
Assists the child in working out ideas of self-identity, family relationships, identity with various adult roles, and the child's view of the world. Dramatic play also helps the child sort out fantasy and reality. It gives the child an opportunity to experience success and problem solving.
Outdoor activities encourage natural flow of language, cooperative play, sharing, and development of other social skills. It encourages large muscle development and physical coordination. Through outdoor activities curiosity is stimulated and the discovery of natural phenomenon and concept development (high-low, fast-slow for example). Outdoor activities also provide an excellent release of tension.
Water play provides specific concept development such as water pressure, volume, conservation, quantities, evaporation, etc. Development of senses through increased sensitivity of how things feel, smell.
The sand box aids in developing the senses, contributes to relaxation and conversation, builds social and cooperative play and problem solving skills, and the development of fundamental skills in quantities and measuring.
The Science Center allows the child to learn the value of exploring and encourage discovery. It encourages observation of detail. The child develops the ability to think, reason, infer, generalize, classify, organize questions gain awareness of physical phenomenon.
Art activities foster creativity and self-expression. The child is given experience with various art media. Freedom to express personally meaningful ideas and feelings, and emotional release. Small muscle coordination of hands and fingers (necessary to reading and writing), hand-eye coordination is developed.
Provides emotional release, a means of exploration and experimentation, fosters creativity and self-expression.
Gives the child an appreciation of music, of rhythm instruments and their creative potential. Provides self expression through creative movement. Children learn parts of their body and about themselves in relation to space through movement. Language skills and vocabulary are increase through song.
The child receives an appreciation of books and what books have to offer. Children learn specific concepts through literature as well as the meaning of written symbols (letters and words). Vocabulary is increased.
These games improve small muscle coordination, hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, visual discrimination (likeness and differences), shape and space concepts. The child also learns the fundamentals of number concepts and abstract concepts.
Designed to increase the child's attention span, introduce, develop and expand specific concepts, help the child learn to generalize concepts. The child is encouraged to listen and express themselves verbally. Discussion also helps to promote inductive and deductive reasoning. The development of visual and auditory memory is also promoted.Designed to increase the child's attention span, introduce, develop and expand specific concepts, help the child learn to generalize concepts. The child is encouraged to listen and express themselves verbally. Discussion also helps to promote inductive and deductive reasoning. The development of visual and auditory memory is also promoted.
Develops body agility, gross and fine motor skills, academic skills. Builds stronger bodies and promotes positive self esteem.
Toddler Program
Our program currently serves children 18 months through 30 months of age. Our high quality toddler program provides the children a primary care system that will set the stage for them to establish deep connections with their caregiver. By doing so, the children feel connected to someone familiar whose presence and caring attention meets their physical and emotional needs throughout the day.
We are proud that our toddler program provides an intimate setting, with one-on-one interactions, along with small group interactions in a caring and positive environment. We believe that play is integral in the child's learning process and we provide a safe environment for the child to explore with many different learning opportunities. Toddlers develop close bonds with their caregivers giving them a sense of security and self-esteem. Current brain-based research shows how warm, responsive, consistent continuity of care fosters many aspects of successful social, emotional and cognitive development in toddlers. We strive to foster curriculum that is relationship based.
It is our primary goal to fully understand and support the needs of each child and family who enroll in our program. We recognize the importance of getting to know each family individually, forming partnerships with parents through daily communication, building mutual trust, involving families in the program and respecting cultural and family differences. It is our hope that by taking a partnership approach, together we can build a relationship of trust and understanding. This foundation will provide your child with a sense of community and a life long gift of wonderment.
Child Development Center Daily Schedule
Our Child Development Center is open from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. daily Monday through Friday. Lunch is served between 11:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. depending upon the program.
Rest Time is offered daily following lunch.
NOTE: We do request that parents refrain from picking up or dropping off their children during the "quiet hours" between 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to help ensure others are not disturbed. Children may be picked up at any time before 5:30 p.m.
Our Daily Programs offer:
- Language Arts
- Music
- Sensory
- Science
- Cooking/Snack Time
- Dramatic Play
- Art
- Gross/Sensory-Motor
- Outdoor Play
- Tabletop and child directed activities
Child Development Center
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
State License: #300610629