Welcome and thank you for your interest in recruiting Saddleback College students and alumni! We invite employers of all sizes and across industries to connect with Saddleback College in Handshake to post opportunities, request recruiting events, register for Career Fairs, and more.

Recruitment Options

Use Handshake to connect with us and post jobs and internships by selecting “Saddleback College” when you complete your post. You can also select other colleges and universities of interest, such as our sister College, Irvine Valley College (IVC).

For details about our for-credit internship program, please visit Cooperative Work Experience (CWE).

Once you have registered and posted a job in Handshake, you can easily request a virtual or in-person On Campus Recruitment event with us through the 'events' option. We recommend scheduling your event Monday through Thursday, between 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. All OCR is scheduled in the SSC Quad unless a different location is specifically requested. Logistics and parking permit will be emailed prior to the OCR visit.

Information or Info Sessions are employer-led events that are usually held in a classroom with full presentation capabilities to discuss company culture, opportunities, and recruitment and selection. Once you've registered and posted a job, use the "Events" option in Handshake and select "Info Session" to submit a request for a date/time. Students are then invited to RSVP in Handshake. Logistics and parking permit will be emailed prior to the Info Session. We require at least two weeks advanced notice for requests to adequately market to students.

Career Fairs are typically hosted in the Spring semester and all details are managed through Handshake. Students can view and RSVP to events seamlessly and any employer connected with Saddleback College in Handshake will receive invitations to register for any upcoming Career Fairs. Any other local career fair events you may be hosting separately can be promoted as well!

If you have any other event or recruiting opportunity that you would like to share with our community, please feel free to share via Handshake once you have registered and posted a job. You can also send us a digital flyer via email.
