The mission of the CalWORKs program at Saddleback College is to provide support and guidance for CalWORKs student-parents so they can thrive in their academic journey.
CalWORKs Support Services
- Personal, academic, career and transfer counseling
- Case Management
- Priority Registration
- Intake/Orientation
- Advocacy
- Workshops
- Completion of Social Services documents
- Educational grants (*if budget allows)
CalWORKs Work Study Program
The CalWORKs Work Study Program is designed for CalWORKs students attending Saddleback College and interested in working on-campus in order to gain employment experience. Income earned through the CalWORKs Work Study Program does not count against their county cash aid.
Benefits of CalWORKs Work Study
- Professional and work experience for students
- Increased involvement on campus
- Convenience of working on campus
- The student is paid $16 per hour
- The flexibility of working around your class schedule
- Counts as an allowable CalWORKs activity
- Earnings do not count against your cash aid or food stamp
CalWORKs Program
Office Location
GW 271-2
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday:
8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
8 a.m. - 2 p.m.